transactron.lib package


transactron.lib.adapters module

class transactron.lib.adapters.Adapter

Bases: AdapterBase

Adapter method.

Creates a method controlled by plain Amaranth signals. One of the possible uses is to mock a method in a testbench.

en: Signal, in

Activates the method (sets the ready signal).

done: Signal, out

Signals that the method is called (returns the run signal).

data_in: View, in

Data returned from the defined method.

data_out: View, out

Data passed as argument to the defined method.

validators: list of tuples of View, out and Signal, in

Hooks for validate_arguments.

__init__(method: Method, /, **kwargs: Unpack[AdapterBodyParams])

Keyword arguments for Method that will be created. See transactron.core.Method.__init__ for parameters description.

static create(name: Optional[str] = None, i: |[LayoutListField] = [], o: |[LayoutListField] = [], src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0, **kwargs: Unpack[AdapterBodyParams])
set(with_validate_arguments: Optional[bool])
update_args(**kwargs: Unpack[AdapterBodyParams])
class transactron.lib.adapters.AdapterBase

Bases: Component

__init__(iface: Method, layout_in: StructLayout, layout_out: StructLayout)
data_in: View[StructLayout]
data_out: View[StructLayout]
debug_signals() amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal | amaranth.hdl._rec.Record | |[amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal | amaranth.hdl._rec.Record | |[SignalBundle] |[str, SignalBundle]] |[str, amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal | amaranth.hdl._rec.Record | |[SignalBundle] |[str, SignalBundle]]
done: Signal
en: Signal
class transactron.lib.adapters.AdapterTrans

Bases: AdapterBase

Adapter transaction.

Creates a transaction controlled by plain Amaranth signals. Allows to expose a method to plain Amaranth code, including testbenches.

en: Signal, in

Activates the transaction (sets the request signal).

done: Signal, out

Signals that the transaction is performed (returns the grant signal).

data_in: View, in

Data passed to the iface method.

data_out: View, out

Data returned from the iface method.

__init__(iface: Method, *, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
iface: Method

The method to be called by the transaction.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

transactron.lib.allocators module

class transactron.lib.allocators.PriorityEncoderAllocator

Bases: Elaboratable

Superscalar structure for identifier allocation.

This module allows to allocate and deallocate identifiers from a continuous range. Multiple identifiers can be allocated or deallocated in a single clock cycle.


Methods which allocate a fresh identifier. If there is too little free identifiers, some or all of the methods are disabled.


Methods which deallocate a single identifier in one cycle.

__init__(entries: int, ways: int = 1, *, init: int = -1)

The total number of identifiers available for allocation.


The number of alloc and free methods.


Bit mask of identifiers which should be treated as free on reset. By default, every identifier is free on reset.

transactron.lib.buttons module

class transactron.lib.buttons.ClickIn

Bases: Elaboratable

Clicked input.

Useful for interactive simulations or FPGA button/switch interfaces. On a rising edge (tested synchronously) of btn, the get method is enabled, which returns the data present on dat at the time. Inputs are synchronized.

get: Method

The method for retrieving data from the input. Accepts an empty argument, returns a structure.

btn: Signal, in

The button input.

dat: MethodStruct, in

The data input.

__init__(layout: |[LayoutListField], src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
layout: method layout

The data format for the input.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

class transactron.lib.buttons.ClickOut

Bases: Elaboratable

Clicked output.

Useful for interactive simulations or FPGA button/LED interfaces. On a rising edge (tested synchronously) of btn, the put method is enabled, which, when called, changes the value of the dat signal.

put: Method

The method for retrieving data from the input. Accepts a structure, returns empty result.

btn: Signal, in

The button input.

dat: MethodStruct, out

The data output.

__init__(layout: |[LayoutListField], *, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
layout: method layout

The data format for the output.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

transactron.lib.connectors module

class transactron.lib.connectors.Connect

Bases: Elaboratable

Forwarding by transaction simultaneity

Provides a means to connect two transactions with forwarding by means of the transaction simultaneity mechanism. It provides two methods: read, and write, which always execute simultaneously. Typical use case is for moving data from write to read, but data flow in the reverse direction is also possible.

read: Method

The read method. Accepts a (possibly empty) structure, returns a structure.

write: Method

The write method. Accepts a structure, returns a (possibly empty) structure.

__init__(layout: |[LayoutListField] = (), rev_layout: |[LayoutListField] = (), *, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
layout: method layout

The format of structures forwarded.

rev_layout: method layout

The format of structures forwarded in the reverse direction.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

class transactron.lib.connectors.ConnectTrans

Bases: Elaboratable

Simple connecting transaction.

Takes two methods and creates a transaction which calls both of them. Result of the first method is connected to the argument of the second, and vice versa. Allows easily connecting methods with compatible layouts.

__init__(method1: Method, method2: Method, *, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
method1: Method

First method.

method2: Method

Second method.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

class transactron.lib.connectors.FIFO

Bases: Elaboratable

FIFO module.

Provides a transactional interface to Amaranth FIFOs. Exposes two methods: read, and write. Both methods are ready only when they can be executed – i.e. the queue is respectively not empty / not full. It is possible to simultaneously read and write in a single clock cycle, but only if both readiness conditions are fulfilled.

read: Method

The read method. Accepts an empty argument, returns a structure.

write: Method

The write method. Accepts a structure, returns empty result.

__init__(layout: |[LayoutListField], depth: int, fifo_type=<class 'amaranth.lib.fifo.SyncFIFO'>, *, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
layout: method layout

The format of structures stored in the FIFO.

depth: int

Size of the FIFO.

fifoType: Elaboratable

FIFO module conforming to Amaranth library FIFO interface. Defaults to SyncFIFO.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

class transactron.lib.connectors.Forwarder

Bases: Elaboratable

Forwarding with overflow buffering

Provides a means to connect two transactions with forwarding. Exposes two methods: read, and write. When both of these methods are executed simultaneously, data is forwarded between them. If write is executed, but read is not, the value cannot be forwarded, but is stored into an overflow buffer. No further writes are possible until the overflow buffer is cleared by read.

The write method is scheduled before read.

read: Method

The read method. Accepts an empty argument, returns a structure.

write: Method

The write method. Accepts a structure, returns empty result.

__init__(layout: |[LayoutListField], *, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
layout: method layout

The format of structures forwarded.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

class transactron.lib.connectors.ManyToOneConnectTrans

Bases: Elaboratable

Many-to-one method connection.

Connects each of a set of methods to another method using separate transactions. Equivalent to a set of ConnectTrans.

__init__(*, get_results: list[transactron.core.method.Method], put_result: Method, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
get_results: list[Method]

Methods to be connected to the put_result method.

put_result: Method

Common method for each of the connections created.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

class transactron.lib.connectors.Pipe

Bases: Elaboratable

This module implements a Pipe. It is a halfway between Forwarder and 2-FIFO. In the Pipe data is always stored localy, so the critical path of the data is cut, but there is a combinational path between the control signals of the read and the write methods. For comparison: - in Forwarder there is both a data and a control combinational path - in 2-FIFO there are no combinational paths

The read method is scheduled before the write.

read: Method

Reads from the pipe. Accepts an empty argument, returns a structure. Ready only if the pipe is not empty.

write: Method

Writes to the pipe. Accepts a structure, returns empty result. Ready only if the pipe is not full.

clean: Method

Cleans the pipe. Has priority over read and write methods.

__init__(layout: |[LayoutListField])
layout: record layout

The format of records forwarded.

transactron.lib.dependencies module

class transactron.lib.dependencies.DependencyKey

Bases: Generic[T, U], ABC

Base class for dependency keys.

Dependency keys are used to access dependencies in the DependencyManager. Concrete instances of dependency keys should be frozen data classes.

lock_on_get: bool, default: True

Specifies if no new dependencies should be added to key if it was already read by get_dependency.

cache: bool, default: True

If true, result of the combine method is cached and subsequent calls to get_dependency will return the value in the cache. Adding a new dependency clears the cache.

empty_valid: bool, defaultFalse

Specifies if getting key dependency without any added dependencies is valid. If set to False, that action would cause raising KeyError.

cache: bool = True
abstract combine(data: list[T]) U

Combine multiple dependencies with the same key.

This method is used to generate the value returned from get_dependency in the DependencyManager. It takes dependencies added to the key using add_dependency and combines them to a single result.

Different implementations of combine give different combining behavior for different kinds of keys.

empty_valid: bool = False
lock_on_get: bool = True
class transactron.lib.dependencies.DependencyManager

Bases: object

Dependency manager.

Tracks dependencies across the core.

add_dependency(key: DependencyKey[T, Any], dependency: T) None

Adds a new dependency to a key.

Depending on the key type, a key can have a single dependency or multple dependencies added to it.

get_dependency(key: DependencyKey[Any, U]) U

Gets the dependency for a key.

The way dependencies are interpreted is dependent on the key type.

get_optional_dependency(key: DependencyKey[Any, U]) Optional[U]

Gets the dependency for a key, if it exists.

If the dependency is gettable, the return value is the same as in get_dependency. Otherwise, None is returned.

class transactron.lib.dependencies.ListKey

Bases: Generic[T], DependencyKey[T, list[T]]

Base class for list key.

List keys are used when there is an one-to-many relation between keys and dependecies. Provides list of dependencies.

combine(data: list[T]) list[T]

Combine multiple dependencies with the same key.

This method is used to generate the value returned from get_dependency in the DependencyManager. It takes dependencies added to the key using add_dependency and combines them to a single result.

Different implementations of combine give different combining behavior for different kinds of keys.

empty_valid: bool = True
class transactron.lib.dependencies.SimpleKey

Bases: Generic[T], DependencyKey[T, T]

Base class for simple dependency keys.

Simple dependency keys are used when there is an one-to-one relation between keys and dependencies. If more than one dependency is added to a simple key, an error is raised.

default_value: T

Specifies the default value returned when no dependencies are added. To enable it empty_valid must be True.

combine(data: list[T]) T

Combine multiple dependencies with the same key.

This method is used to generate the value returned from get_dependency in the DependencyManager. It takes dependencies added to the key using add_dependency and combines them to a single result.

Different implementations of combine give different combining behavior for different kinds of keys.

default_value: T
class transactron.lib.dependencies.UnifierKey

Bases: DependencyKey[Method, tuple[Method, dict[str, Unifier]]]

Base class for method unifier dependency keys.

Method unifier dependency keys are used to collect methods to be called by some part of the core. As multiple modules may wish to be called, a method unifier is used to present a single method interface to the caller, which allows to customize the calling behavior.

combine(data: list[transactron.core.method.Method]) tuple[transactron.core.method.Method, dict[str, transactron.lib.transformers.Unifier]]

Combine multiple dependencies with the same key.

This method is used to generate the value returned from get_dependency in the DependencyManager. It takes dependencies added to the key using add_dependency and combines them to a single result.

Different implementations of combine give different combining behavior for different kinds of keys.

unifier: Callable[[list[transactron.core.method.Method]], Unifier]

transactron.lib.fifo module

class transactron.lib.fifo.BasicFifo

Bases: Elaboratable

Transactional FIFO queue

read: Method

Reads from the FIFO. Accepts an empty argument, returns a structure. Ready only if the FIFO is not empty.

peek: Method

Returns the element at the front (but not delete). Ready only if the FIFO is not empty. The method is nonexclusive.

write: Method

Writes to the FIFO. Accepts a structure, returns empty result. Ready only if the FIFO is not full.

clear: Method

Clears the FIFO entries. Has priority over read and write methods.

__init__(layout: |[LayoutListField], depth: int, *, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0) None
layout: method layout

Layout of data stored in the FIFO.

depth: int

Size of the FIFO.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

class transactron.lib.fifo.Semaphore

Bases: Elaboratable


__init__(max_count: int) None
size: int

Size of the semaphore.

class transactron.lib.fifo.WideFifo

Bases: Elaboratable

Transactional FIFO queue which allows reading or writing multiple elements per cycle.

The read, write and peek methods use the following layout, where k denotes the maximum number of elements which can be inserted or removed:

StructLayout({"count": range(k+1), "data": ArrayLayout(shape, k)})
read: Method

Reads from the FIFO. Accepts a single argument count, denoting the number of elements to be read. Returns count elements, or less, if the queue has less than count elements. Ready only if the FIFO is not empty.

peek: Method

Returns the elements at the front (without removing them). Ready only if the FIFO is not empty. The method is nonexclusive.

write: Method

Writes to the FIFO. Ready only if the FIFO has enough free slots to accept the write.

clear: Method

Clears the FIFO entries. Has priority over read and write methods.

__init__(shape: amaranth.hdl._ast.Shape | int | range | type[enum.Enum] | amaranth.hdl._ast.ShapeCastable, depth: int, read_width: int, write_width: Optional[int], *, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0) None
shape: ShapeLike

Shape of the data stored in the queue.

depth: int

Depth of the FIFO. The number of elements which can be stored in the queue is depth * max(read_width, write_width).

read_width: int

Number of elements which can be simultaneously read from the queue.

write_width: int, optional

Number of elements which can be simultaneously written to the queue. If omitted, it is assumed to be equal to read_width.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

transactron.lib.logging module

class transactron.lib.logging.HardwareLogger

Bases: object

A class for creating log messages in the hardware.

Intuitively, the hardware logger works similarly to a normal software logger. You can log a message anywhere in the circuit, but due to the parallel nature of the hardware you must specify a special trigger signal which will indicate if a message shall be reported in that cycle.

Hardware logs are evaluated and printed during simulation, so both the trigger and the format fields are Amaranth values, i.e. signals or arbitrary Amaranth expressions.

Instances of the HardwareLogger class represent a logger for a single submodule of the circuit. Exactly how a “submodule” is defined is up to the developer. Submodule are identified by a unique string and the names can be nested. Names are organized into a namespace hierarchy where levels are separated by periods, much like the Python package namespace. So in the instance, submodules names might be “frontend” for the upper level, and “frontend.icache” and “frontend.bpu” for the sub-levels. There is no arbitrary limit to the depth of nesting.

name: str

Name of this logger.

__init__(name: str)
name: str

Name of this logger. Hierarchy levels are separated by periods, e.g. “backend.fu.jumpbranch”.

assertion(m: ModuleLike, value: Value, format: str = '', *args, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs)

Define an assertion.

This function might help find some hardware bugs which might otherwise be hard to detect. If value is false, it will terminate the simulation or it can also be used to turn on a warning LED on a board.

Internally, this is a convenience wrapper over log.error.

See HardwareLogger.log function for more details.

debug(m: ModuleLike, trigger: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, format: str, *args, **kwargs)

Log a message with severity ‘DEBUG’.

See HardwareLogger.log function for more details.

error(m: ModuleLike, trigger: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, format: str, *args, **kwargs)

Log a message with severity ‘ERROR’.

This severity level has special semantics. If a log with this serverity level is triggered, the simulation will be terminated.

See HardwareLogger.log function for more details.

info(m: ModuleLike, trigger: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, format: str, *args, **kwargs)

Log a message with severity ‘INFO’.

See HardwareLogger.log function for more details.

log(m: ModuleLike, level: int, trigger: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, format: str, *args, src_loc_at: int = 0)

Registers a hardware log record with the given severity.

m: ModuleLike

The module for which the log record is added.

trigger: ValueLike

If the value of this Amaranth expression is true, the log will reported.

format: str

The format of the message as defined in PEP 3101.


Amaranth values that will be read during simulation and used to format the message.

src_loc_at: int, optional

How many stack frames below to look for the source location, used to identify the failing assertion.

warning(m: ModuleLike, trigger: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, format: str, *args, **kwargs)

Log a message with severity ‘WARNING’.

See HardwareLogger.log function for more details.

class transactron.lib.logging.LogKey

Bases: ListKey[LogRecord]

__init__() None

alias of int

class transactron.lib.logging.LogRecord

Bases: LogRecordInfo

A LogRecord instance represents an event being logged.

trigger: Signal

Amaranth signal triggering the log.

fields: Signal

Amaranth signals that will be used to format the message.

__init__(logger_name: str, level: int, format_str: str, location: tuple[str, int], trigger: ~amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal, fields: list[amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal] = <factory>) None
fields: list[amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal]
trigger: Signal
class transactron.lib.logging.LogRecordInfo

Bases: object

Simulator-backend-agnostic information about a log record that can be serialized and used outside the Amaranth context.

logger_name: str
level: LogLevel

The severity level of the log.

format_str: str

The template of the message. Should follow PEP 3101 standard.

location: SrcLoc

Source location of the log.

__init__(logger_name: str, level: int, format_str: str, location: tuple[str, int]) None
format(*args) str

Format the log message with a set of concrete arguments.

format_str: str
classmethod from_dict(kvs: Optional[Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool]], *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: Union[str, bytes, bytearray], *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
level: int
location: tuple[str, int]
logger_name: str
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, Optional[Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool]]]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, separators: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, default: Optional[Callable] = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
transactron.lib.logging.get_log_records(level: int, namespace_regexp: str = '.*') list[transactron.lib.logging.LogRecord]

Get log records in for the given severity level and in the specified namespace.

This function returns all log records with the severity bigger or equal to the specified level and belonging to the specified namespace.

level: LogLevel

The minimum severity level.

namespace: str, optional

The regexp of the namespace. If not specified, logs from all namespaces will be processed.

transactron.lib.logging.get_trigger_bit(level: int, namespace_regexp: str = '.*') Value

Get a trigger bit for logs of the given severity level and in the specified namespace.

The signal returned by this function is high whenever the trigger signal of any of the records with the severity bigger or equal to the specified level is high.

level: LogLevel

The minimum severity level.

namespace: str, optional

The regexp of the namespace. If not specified, logs from all namespaces will be processed.

transactron.lib.metrics module

class transactron.lib.metrics.FIFOLatencyMeasurer

Bases: Elaboratable

Measures duration between two events, e.g. request processing latency. It can track multiple events at the same time, i.e. the second event can be registered as started, before the first finishes. However, they must be processed in the FIFO order.

The module exposes an exponential histogram of the measured latencies.

__init__(fully_qualified_name: str, description: str = '', *, slots_number: int, max_latency: int)
fully_qualified_name: str

The fully qualified name of the metric.

description: str

A human-readable description of the metric’s functionality.

slots_number: int

A number of events that the module can track simultaneously.

max_latency: int

The maximum latency of an event. Used to set signal widths and number of buckets in the histogram. If a latency turns to be bigger than the maximum, it will overflow and result in a false measurement.

metrics_enabled() bool
start(m: TModule)

Registers the start of an event. Can be called before the previous events finish. If there are no slots available, the method will be blocked.

Should be called in the body of either a transaction or a method.

m: TModule

Transactron module

stop(m: TModule)

Registers the end of the oldest event (the FIFO order). If there are no started events in the queue, the method will block.

Should be called in the body of either a transaction or a method.

m: TModule

Transactron module

class transactron.lib.metrics.HardwareMetricsManager

Bases: object

Collects all metrics registered in the circuit and provides an easy access to them.

debug_signals() amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal | amaranth.hdl._rec.Record | |[amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal | amaranth.hdl._rec.Record | |[SignalBundle] |[str, SignalBundle]] |[str, amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal | amaranth.hdl._rec.Record | |[SignalBundle] |[str, SignalBundle]]

Returns tree-like SignalBundle composed of all metric registers.

get_metrics() dict[str, transactron.lib.metrics.HwMetric]

Returns all metrics registered in the circuit.

get_register_value(metric_name: str, reg_name: str) Signal

Returns the signal holding the register value of the given metric.

metric_name: str

The fully qualified name of the metric, for example ‘frontend.icache.loads’.

reg_name: str

The name of the register from that metric, for example if the metric is a histogram, the ‘reg_name’ could be ‘min’ or ‘bucket-32’.

class transactron.lib.metrics.HwCounter

Bases: Elaboratable, HwMetric

Hardware Counter

The most basic hardware metric that can just increase its value.

__init__(fully_qualified_name: str, description: str = '', *, width_bits: int = 32)
fully_qualified_name: str

The fully qualified name of the metric.

description: str

A human-readable description of the metric’s functionality.

width_bits: int

The bit-width of the register. Defaults to 32 bits.

incr(m: ~transactron.core.tmodule.TModule, *, cond: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable = (const 1'd1))

Increases the value of the counter by 1.

Should be called in the body of either a transaction or a method.

m: TModule

Transactron module

class transactron.lib.metrics.HwExpHistogram

Bases: Elaboratable, HwMetric

Hardware Exponential Histogram

Represents the distribution of sampled data through a histogram. A histogram samples observations (usually things like request durations or queue sizes) and counts them in a configurable number of buckets. The buckets are of exponential size. For example, a histogram with 5 buckets would have the following value ranges: [0, 1); [1, 2); [2, 4); [4, 8); [8, +inf).

Additionally, the histogram tracks the number of observations, the sum of observed values, and the minimum and maximum values.

__init__(fully_qualified_name: str, description: str = '', *, bucket_count: int, sample_width: int = 32, registers_width: int = 32)
fully_qualified_name: str

The fully qualified name of the metric.

description: str

A human-readable description of the metric’s functionality.

max_value: int

The maximum value that the histogram would be able to count. This value is used to calculate the number of buckets.

add(m: TModule, sample: Value)

Adds a new sample to the histogram.

Should be called in the body of either a transaction or a method.

m: TModule

Transactron module

sample: ValueLike

The value that will be added to the histogram

class transactron.lib.metrics.HwMetric

Bases: ABC, MetricModel

A base for all metric implementations. It should be only used for declaring new types of metrics.

It takes care of registering the metric in the dependency manager.

signals: dict[str, Signal]

A mapping from a register name to a Signal containing the value of that register.

__init__(fully_qualified_name: str, description: str)
fully_qualified_name: str

The fully qualified name of the metric.

description: str

A human-readable description of the metric’s functionality.

add_registers(regs: list[transactron.lib.metrics.HwMetricRegister])

Adds registers to a metric. Should be only called by inheriting classes during initialization.

regs: list[HwMetricRegister]

A list of registers to be registered.

metrics_enabled() bool
class transactron.lib.metrics.HwMetricsEnabledKey

Bases: SimpleKey[bool]

DependencyManager key for enabling hardware metrics. If metrics are disabled, none of theirs signals will be synthesized.

__init__() None
default_value: T = False
empty_valid: bool = True
lock_on_get: bool = False
class transactron.lib.metrics.MetricModel

Bases: object

Provides information about a metric exposed by the circuit. Each metric comprises multiple registers, each dedicated to storing specific values.

The configuration of registers is internally determined by a specific metric type and is not user-configurable.

fully_qualified_name: str

The fully qualified name of the metric, with name components joined by dots (‘.’), e.g., ‘’.

description: str

A human-readable description of the metric’s functionality.

regs: list[MetricRegisterModel]

A list of registers associated with the metric.

__init__(fully_qualified_name: str, description: str, regs: dict[str, transactron.lib.metrics.MetricRegisterModel] = <factory>) None
description: str
classmethod from_dict(kvs: Optional[Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool]], *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: Union[str, bytes, bytearray], *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
fully_qualified_name: str
regs: dict[str, transactron.lib.metrics.MetricRegisterModel]
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, Optional[Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool]]]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, separators: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, default: Optional[Callable] = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
class transactron.lib.metrics.MetricRegisterModel

Bases: object

Represents a single register of a metric, serving as a fundamental building block that holds a singular value.

name: str

The unique identifier for the register (among remaning registers of a specific metric).

description: str

A brief description of the metric’s purpose.

width: int

The bit-width of the register.

__init__(name: str, description: str, width: int) None
description: str
classmethod from_dict(kvs: Optional[Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool]], *, infer_missing=False) A
classmethod from_json(s: Union[str, bytes, bytearray], *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
name: str
classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
to_dict(encode_json=False) Dict[str, Optional[Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool]]]
to_json(*, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, separators: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, default: Optional[Callable] = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) str
width: int
class transactron.lib.metrics.TaggedCounter

Bases: Elaboratable, HwMetric

Hardware Tagged Counter

Like HwCounter, but contains multiple counters, each with its own tag. At a time a single counter can be increased and the value of the tag can be provided dynamically. The type of the tag can be either an int enum, a range or a list of integers (negative numbers are ok).

Internally, it detects if tag values can be one-hot encoded and if so, it generates more optimized circuit.

tag_width: int

The length of the signal holding a tag value.

one_hot: bool

Whether tag values can be one-hot encoded.

counters: dict[int, HwMetricRegisters]

Mapping from a tag value to a register holding a counter for that tag.

__init__(fully_qualified_name: str, description: str = '', *, tags: Union[range, Type[Enum], list[int]], registers_width: int = 32)
fully_qualified_name: str

The fully qualified name of the metric.

description: str

A human-readable description of the metric’s functionality.

tags: range | Type[Enum] | list[int]

Tag values.

registers_width: int

Width of the underlying registers. Defaults to 32 bits.

incr(m: ~transactron.core.tmodule.TModule, tag: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, *, cond: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable = (const 1'd1))

Increases the counter of a given tag by 1.

Should be called in the body of either a transaction or a method.

m: TModule

Transactron module

tag: ValueLike

The tag of the counter.

cond: ValueLike

When set to high, the counter will be increased. By default set to high.

class transactron.lib.metrics.TaggedLatencyMeasurer

Bases: Elaboratable

Measures duration between two events, e.g. request processing latency. It can track multiple events at the same time, i.e. the second event can be registered as started, before the first finishes. However, each event needs to have an unique slot tag.

The module exposes an exponential histogram of the measured latencies.

__init__(fully_qualified_name: str, description: str = '', *, slots_number: int, max_latency: int)
fully_qualified_name: str

The fully qualified name of the metric.

description: str

A human-readable description of the metric’s functionality.

slots_number: int

A number of events that the module can track simultaneously.

max_latency: int

The maximum latency of an event. Used to set signal widths and number of buckets in the histogram. If a latency turns to be bigger than the maximum, it will overflow and result in a false measurement.

metrics_enabled() bool
start(m: TModule, *, slot: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable)

Registers the start of an event for a given slot tag.

Should be called in the body of either a transaction or a method.

m: TModule

Transactron module

slot: ValueLike

The slot tag of the event.

stop(m: TModule, *, slot: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable)

Registers the end of the event for a given slot tag.

Should be called in the body of either a transaction or a method.

m: TModule

Transactron module

slot: ValueLike

The slot tag of the event.

transactron.lib.reqres module

class transactron.lib.reqres.ArgumentsToResultsZipper

Bases: Elaboratable

Zips arguments used to call method with results, cutting critical path.

This module provides possibility to pass arguments from caller and connect it with results from callee. Arguments are stored in 2-FIFO and results in Forwarder. Because of this asymmetry, the callee should provide results as long as they aren’t correctly received.

FIFO is used as rate-limiter, so when FIFO reaches full capacity there should be no new requests issued.

Example topology:

graph LR Caller -- write_arguments --> 2-FIFO; Caller -- invoke --> Callee["Callee \n (1+ cycle delay)"]; Callee -- write_results --> Forwarder; Forwarder -- read --> Zip; 2-FIFO -- read --> Zip; Zip -- read --> User; subgraph ArgumentsToResultsZipper Forwarder; 2-FIFO; Zip; end
peek_arg: Method

A nonexclusive method to read (but not delete) the head of the arg queue.

write_args: Method

Method to write arguments with args_layout format to 2-FIFO.

write_results: Method

Method to save results with results_layout in the Forwarder.

read: Method

Reads latest entries from the fifo and the forwarder and return them as a structure with two fields: ‘args’ and ‘results’.

__init__(args_layout: |[LayoutListField], results_layout: |[LayoutListField], src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
args_layout: method layout

The format of arguments.

results_layout: method layout

The format of results.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

class transactron.lib.reqres.Serializer

Bases: Elaboratable

Module to serialize request-response methods.

Provides a transactional interface to connect many client Modules (which request somethig using method call) with a server Module which provides method to request operation and method to get response.

Requests are being serialized from many clients and forwarded to a server which can process only one request at the time. Responses from server are deserialized and passed to proper client. Serializer assumes, that responses from the server are in-order, so the order of responses is the same as order of requests.

serialize_in: Methods

Request methods. Data layouts are the same as for serialized_req_method.

serialize_out: Methods

Response methods. Data layouts are the same as for serialized_resp_method. i-th response method provides responses for requests from i-th serialize_in method.

__init__(*, port_count: int, serialized_req_method: Method, serialized_resp_method: Method, depth: int = 4, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
port_count: int

Number of ports, which should be generated. len(serialize_in)=len(serialize_out)=port_count

serialized_req_method: Method

Request method provided by server’s Module.

serialized_resp_method: Method

Response method provided by server’s Module.

depth: int

Number of requests which can be forwarded to server, before server provides first response. Describe the resistance of Serializer to latency of server in case when server is fully pipelined.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

transactron.lib.simultaneous module

transactron.lib.simultaneous.condition(m: TModule, *, nonblocking: bool = False, priority: bool = False)

Conditions using simultaneous transactions.

This context manager allows to easily define conditions utilizing nested transactions and the simultaneous transactions mechanism. It is similar to Amaranth’s If, but allows to call different and possibly overlapping method sets in each branch. Each of the branches is defined using a separate nested transaction.

Inside the condition body, branches can be added, which are guarded by Boolean conditions. A branch is considered for execution if its condition is true and the called methods can be run. A catch-all, default branch can be added, which can be executed only if none of the other branches execute. The condition of the default branch is the negated alternative of all the other conditions.


A module where the condition is defined.


States that the condition should not block the containing method or transaction from running, even when none of the branch conditions is true. In case of a blocking method call, the containing method or transaction is still blocked.


States that when conditions are not mutually exclusive and multiple branches could be executed, the first one will be selected. This influences the scheduling order of generated transactions.


with condition(m) as branch:
    with branch(cond1):
    with branch(cond2):
    with branch():  # default, optional
        ... module


Bases: Elaboratable

AsyncMemoryBank module.

Provides a transactional interface to asynchronous Amaranth Memory with arbitrary number of read and write ports. It supports optionally writing with given granularity.

read: Methods

The read methods, one for each read port. Accepts an addr from which data should be read. The read response method. Return data_layout View which was saved on addr given by last write method call.

write: Methods

The write methods, one for each write port. Accepts write address addr, data in form of data_layout and optionally mask if granularity is not None. 1 in mask means that appropriate part should be written.

__init__(*, shape: amaranth.hdl._ast.Shape | int | range | type[enum.Enum] | amaranth.hdl._ast.ShapeCastable, depth: int, granularity: ~typing.Optional[int] = None, read_ports: int = 1, write_ports: int = 1, memory_type: ~amaranth_types.memory.AbstractMemoryConstructor[amaranth.hdl._ast.Shape | int | range | type[enum.Enum] | amaranth.hdl._ast.ShapeCastable, ~amaranth.hdl._ast.Value] = <class 'amaranth.lib.memory.Memory'>, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
shape: ShapeLike

The format of structures stored in the Memory.

depth: int

Number of elements stored in Memory.

granularity: Optional[int]

Granularity of write. If None the whole structure is always saved at once. If not, shape is split into granularity parts, which can be saved independently (according to amaranth.lib.memory granularity logic).

read_ports: int

Number of read ports.

write_ports: int

Number of write ports.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.


Bases: Elaboratable

Content addresable memory

This module implements a content-addressable memory (in short CAM) with Transactron interface. CAM is a type of memory where instead of predefined indexes there are used values fed in runtime as keys (similar as in python dictionary). To insert new entry a pair (key, value) has to be provided. Such pair takes an free slot which depends on internal implementation. To read value a key has to be provided. It is compared with every valid key stored in CAM. If there is a hit, a value is read. There can be many instances of the same key in CAM. In such case it is undefined which value will be read.


Pushing the value with index already present in CAM is an undefined behaviour.


Nondestructive read


If index present - do update




Inserts new data.

__init__(address_layout: |[LayoutListField], data_layout: |[LayoutListField], entries_number: int)

The layout of the address records.


The layout of the data.


The number of slots to create in memory.


Bases: Elaboratable

MemoryBank module.

Provides a transactional interface to synchronous Amaranth Memory with arbitrary number of read and write ports. It supports optionally writing with given granularity.

read_req: Methods

The read request methods, one for each read port. Accepts an addr from which data should be read. Only ready if there is there is a place to buffer response. After calling read_reqs[i], the result will be available via the method read_resps[i].

read_resp: Methods

The read response methods, one for each read port. Return data_layout View which was saved on addr given by last corresponding read_reqs method call. Only ready after corresponding read_reqs call.

write: Methods

The write methods, one for each write port. Accepts write address addr, data in form of data_layout and optionally mask if granularity is not None. 1 in mask means that appropriate part should be written.

__init__(*, shape: amaranth.hdl._ast.Shape | int | range | type[enum.Enum] | amaranth.hdl._ast.ShapeCastable, depth: int, granularity: ~typing.Optional[int] = None, transparent: bool = False, read_ports: int = 1, write_ports: int = 1, memory_type: ~amaranth_types.memory.AbstractMemoryConstructor[amaranth.hdl._ast.Shape | int | range | type[enum.Enum] | amaranth.hdl._ast.ShapeCastable, ~amaranth.hdl._ast.Value] = <class 'amaranth.lib.memory.Memory'>, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
shape: ShapeLike

The format of structures stored in the Memory.

depth: int

Number of elements stored in Memory.

granularity: Optional[int]

Granularity of write. If None the whole structure is always saved at once. If not, shape is split into granularity parts, which can be saved independently (according to amaranth.lib.memory granularity logic).

transparent: bool

Read port transparency, false by default. When a read port is transparent, if a given memory address is read and written in the same clock cycle, the read returns the written value instead of the value which was in the memory in that cycle.

read_ports: int

Number of read ports.

write_ports: int

Number of write ports.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

transactron.lib.transformers module

class transactron.lib.transformers.CatTrans

Bases: Elaboratable

Concatenating transaction.

Concatenates the results of two methods and passes the result to the third method.

__init__(src1: Method, src2: Method, dst: Method)
src1: Method

First input method.

src2: Method

Second input method.

dst: Method

The method which receives the concatenation of the results of input methods.

class transactron.lib.transformers.Collector

Bases: Elaboratable, Unifier

Single result collector.

Creates method that collects results of many methods with identical layouts. Each call of this method will return a single result of one of the provided methods.

method: Method

Method which returns single result of provided methods.

__init__(targets: list[transactron.core.method.Method], *, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
method_list: list[Method]

List of methods from which results will be collected.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

class transactron.lib.transformers.ConnectAndMapTrans

Bases: Elaboratable

Connecting transaction with mapping functions.

Behaves like ConnectTrans, but modifies the transferred data using functions or Method`s. Equivalent to a combination of `ConnectTrans and MethodMap. The mapping functions take two parameters, a Module and the structure being transformed.

__init__(method1: Method, method2: Method, *, i_fun: Optional[Callable[[TModule, View[StructLayout]], amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable |[str, RecordDict]]] = None, o_fun: Optional[Callable[[TModule, View[StructLayout]], amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable |[str, RecordDict]]] = None, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
method1: Method

First method.

method2: Method

Second method, and the method being transformed.

i_fun: function or Method, optional

Input transformation (method1 to method2).

o_fun: function or Method, optional

Output transformation (method2 to method1).

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

class transactron.lib.transformers.MethodFilter

Bases: Elaboratable, Transformer

Method filter.

Takes a target method and creates a method which calls the target method only when some condition is true. The condition function takes two parameters, a module and the input structure of the method. Non-zero return value is interpreted as true. Alternatively to using a function, a Method can be passed as a condition. By default, the target method is locked for use even if it is not called. If this is not the desired effect, set use_condition to True, but this will cause that the provided method will be single_caller and all other condition drawbacks will be in place (e.g. risk of exponential complexity).

method: Method

The transformed method.

__init__(target: Method, condition: Callable[[TModule, View[StructLayout]], amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable], default: Optional[Union[Value, int, Enum, ValueCastable, Mapping[str, RecordDict]]] = None, *, use_condition: bool = False, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
target: Method

The target method.

condition: function or Method

The condition which, when true, allows the call to target. When false, default is returned.

default: Value or dict, optional

The default value returned from the filtered method when the condition is false. If omitted, zero is returned.


Instead of m.If use simultaneus condition which allow to execute this filter if the condition is False and target is not ready. When use_condition is true, condition must not be a Method.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

class transactron.lib.transformers.MethodMap

Bases: Elaboratable, Transformer

Bidirectional map for methods.

Takes a target method and creates a transformed method which calls the original target method, mapping the input and output values with functions. The mapping functions take two parameters, a Module and the structure being transformed. Alternatively, a Method can be passed.

method: Method

The transformed method.

__init__(target: Method, *, i_transform: Optional[tuple[ |['LayoutListField'],[[transactron.core.tmodule.TModule, 'View[StructLayout]'], amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable |[str, 'RecordDict']]]] = None, o_transform: Optional[tuple[ |['LayoutListField'],[[transactron.core.tmodule.TModule, 'View[StructLayout]'], amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable |[str, 'RecordDict']]]] = None, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
target: Method

The target method.

i_transform: (method layout, function or Method), optional

Input mapping function. If specified, it should be a pair of a function and a input layout for the transformed method. If not present, input is passed unmodified.

o_transform: (method layout, function or Method), optional

Output mapping function. If specified, it should be a pair of a function and a output layout for the transformed method. If not present, output is passed unmodified.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

class transactron.lib.transformers.MethodProduct

Bases: Elaboratable, Unifier

__init__(targets: list[transactron.core.method.Method], combiner: Optional[tuple[ |['LayoutListField'],[[transactron.core.tmodule.TModule, list['View[StructLayout]']], amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable |[str, 'RecordDict']]]] = None, *, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)

Method product.

Takes arbitrary, non-zero number of target methods, and constructs a method which calls all of the target methods using the same argument. The return value of the resulting method is, by default, the return value of the first of the target methods. A combiner function can be passed, which can compute the return value from the results of every target method.

targets: list[Method]

A list of methods to be called.

combiner: (int or method layout, function), optional

A pair of the output layout and the combiner function. The combiner function takes two parameters: a Module and a list of outputs of the target methods.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

method: Method

The product method.

class transactron.lib.transformers.MethodTryProduct

Bases: Elaboratable, Unifier

__init__(targets: list[transactron.core.method.Method], combiner: Optional[tuple[ |['LayoutListField'],[[transactron.core.tmodule.TModule, list[tuple[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value, 'View[StructLayout]']]], amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable |[str, 'RecordDict']]]] = None, *, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)

Method product with optional calling.

Takes arbitrary, non-zero number of target methods, and constructs a method which tries to call all of the target methods using the same argument. The methods which are not ready are not called. The return value of the resulting method is, by default, empty. A combiner function can be passed, which can compute the return value from the results of every target method.

targets: list[Method]

A list of methods to be called.

combiner: (int or method layout, function), optional

A pair of the output layout and the combiner function. The combiner function takes two parameters: a Module and a list of pairs. Each pair contains a bit which signals that a given call succeeded, and the result of the call.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

method: Method

The product method.

class transactron.lib.transformers.NonexclusiveWrapper

Bases: Elaboratable, Transformer

Nonexclusive wrapper around a method.

Useful when you can assume, for external reasons, that a given method will never be called more than once in a given clock cycle - even when the call graph indicates it could.

Possible use case is unifying parallel pipelines with the same latency.

__init__(target: Method)
class transactron.lib.transformers.Transformer

Bases: HasElaborate, Protocol

Method transformer abstract class.

Method transformers construct a new method which utilizes other methods.

method: Method

The method.

method: Method
use(m: ModuleLike)

Returns the method and adds the transformer to a module.

m: Module or TModule

The module to which this transformer is added as a submodule.

class transactron.lib.transformers.Unifier

Bases: Transformer, Protocol

__init__(targets: list[transactron.core.method.Method])
method: Method

Module contents