transactron.utils package
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext package
- Submodules
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.coding module
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.component_interface module
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.elaboratables module
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.functions module
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.memory module
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter module
- Module contents
transactron.utils.assign module
- transactron.utils.assign.assign(lhs: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable |[str, AssignArg] |[int, AssignArg] |[AssignArg], rhs: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable |[str, AssignArg] |[int, AssignArg] |[AssignArg], *, fields: transactron.utils.assign.AssignType |[str | int] |[str | int, AssignFields] = AssignType.RHS, lhs_strict=False, rhs_strict=False) Iterable[Assign]
Safe structured assignment.
This function recursively generates assignment statements for field-containing structures. This includes: Amaranth Views using StructLayout, Python dicts. In case of mismatching fields or bit widths, error is raised.
When both lhs and rhs are field-containing, assign generates assignment statements according to the value of the field parameter. If either of lhs or rhs is not field-containing, assign checks for the same bit width and generates a single assignment statement.
The bit width check is performed if:
Any of lhs or rhs is a View.
Both lhs and rhs have an explicitly defined shape (e.g. are a Signal, a field of a View).
- Parameters
- lhsView or Value-castable or dict
View, signal or dict being assigned.
- rhsView or Value-castable or dict
View, signal or dict containing assigned values.
- fieldsAssignType or Iterable or Mapping, optional
Determines which fields will be assigned. Possible values:
- AssignType.COMMON
Only fields common to lhs and rhs are assigned.
- AssignType.LHS
All fields in lhs are assigned. If one of them is not present in rhs, an exception is raised.
- AssignType.RHS
All fields in rhs are assigned. If one of them is not present in lhs, an exception is raised.
- AssignType.ALL
Assume that both structures have the same layouts. All fields present in lhs or rhs are assigned.
- Mapping
Keys are field names, values follow the format for fields.
- Iterable
Items are field names. For subfields, AssignType.ALL is assumed.
- Returns
- Iterable[Assign]
Generated assignment statements.
- Raises
- ValueError
If the assignment can’t be safely performed.
transactron.utils.data_repr module
- transactron.utils.data_repr.align_down_to_power_of_two(num: int, power: int) int
Rounds down a number to the given power of two.
- Parameters
- numint
The number to align.
- powerint
The power of two to align to.
- Returns
- int
The aligned number.
- transactron.utils.data_repr.align_to_power_of_two(num: int, power: int) int
Rounds up a number to the given power of two.
- Parameters
- numint
The number to align.
- powerint
The power of two to align to.
- Returns
- int
The aligned number.
- transactron.utils.data_repr.bits_from_int(num: int, lower: int, length: int)
Returns [lower:lower`+`length) bits from integer num.
- transactron.utils.data_repr.data_layout(val: amaranth.hdl._ast.Shape | int | range | type[enum.Enum] | amaranth.hdl._ast.ShapeCastable) |[LayoutListField]
- transactron.utils.data_repr.int_to_signed(x: int, xlen: int) int
Converts a Python integer into its U2 representation.
- Parameters
- x: int
Signed Python integer.
- xlenint
Bit width of x.
- Returns
- returnint
Representation of x in the U2 system.
- transactron.utils.data_repr.layout_subset(layout: StructLayout, *, fields: set[str]) StructLayout
transactron.utils.debug_signals module
- transactron.utils.debug_signals.auto_debug_signals(thing) amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal | amaranth.hdl._rec.Record | |[amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal | amaranth.hdl._rec.Record | |[SignalBundle] |[str, SignalBundle]] |[str, amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal | amaranth.hdl._rec.Record | |[SignalBundle] |[str, SignalBundle]]
Automatic debug signal generation.
Exposes class attributes with debug signals (Amaranth Signals, Records, Arrays and Elaboratables, Methods, classes which define debug_signals). Used for generating
files in tests, for use ingtkwave
transactron.utils.depcache module
- class transactron.utils.depcache.DependentCache
Cache for classes, that depend on the DependentCache class itself.
Cached classes may accept one positional argument in the constructor, where this DependentCache class will be passed. Classes may define any number keyword arguments in the constructor and separate cache entry will be created for each set of the arguments.
get: T, **kwargs -> T
Gets class cls from cache. Caches cls reference if this is the first call for it. Optionally accepts kwargs for additional arguments in cls constructor.
- __init__()
transactron.utils.dependencies module
- class transactron.utils.dependencies.DependencyContext
- __init__(manager: DependencyManager)
- classmethod get() DependencyManager
- stack: list[transactron.utils.dependencies.DependencyManager] = []
- class transactron.utils.dependencies.DependencyKey
Base class for dependency keys.
Dependency keys are used to access dependencies in the DependencyManager. Concrete instances of dependency keys should be frozen data classes.
- Parameters
- lock_on_get: bool, default: True
Specifies if no new dependencies should be added to key if it was already read by get_dependency.
- cache: bool, default: True
If true, result of the combine method is cached and subsequent calls to get_dependency will return the value in the cache. Adding a new dependency clears the cache.
- empty_valid: bool, defaultFalse
Specifies if getting key dependency without any added dependencies is valid. If set to False, that action would cause raising KeyError.
- abstract combine(data: list[T]) U
Combine multiple dependencies with the same key.
This method is used to generate the value returned from get_dependency in the DependencyManager. It takes dependencies added to the key using add_dependency and combines them to a single result.
Different implementations of combine give different combining behavior for different kinds of keys.
- class transactron.utils.dependencies.DependencyManager
Dependency manager.
Tracks dependencies across the core.
- __init__()
- add_dependency(key: DependencyKey[T, Any], dependency: T) None
Adds a new dependency to a key.
Depending on the key type, a key can have a single dependency or multple dependencies added to it.
- get_dependency(key: DependencyKey[Any, U]) U
Gets the dependency for a key.
The way dependencies are interpreted is dependent on the key type.
- get_optional_dependency(key: DependencyKey[Any, U]) Optional[U]
Gets the dependency for a key, if it exists.
If the dependency is gettable, the return value is the same as in get_dependency. Otherwise, None is returned.
- class transactron.utils.dependencies.ListKey
]]Base class for list key.
List keys are used when there is an one-to-many relation between keys and dependecies. Provides list of dependencies.
- combine(data: list[T]) list[T]
Combine multiple dependencies with the same key.
This method is used to generate the value returned from get_dependency in the DependencyManager. It takes dependencies added to the key using add_dependency and combines them to a single result.
Different implementations of combine give different combining behavior for different kinds of keys.
- class transactron.utils.dependencies.SimpleKey
]Base class for simple dependency keys.
Simple dependency keys are used when there is an one-to-one relation between keys and dependencies. If more than one dependency is added to a simple key, an error is raised.
- Parameters
- default_value: T
Specifies the default value returned when no dependencies are added. To enable it empty_valid must be True.
- combine(data: list[T]) T
Combine multiple dependencies with the same key.
This method is used to generate the value returned from get_dependency in the DependencyManager. It takes dependencies added to the key using add_dependency and combines them to a single result.
Different implementations of combine give different combining behavior for different kinds of keys.
- default_value: T
transactron.utils.gen module
- class transactron.utils.gen.GeneratedLog
Information about a log record in the generated Verilog code.
- Attributes
- trigger_locationSignalHandle
The location of the trigger signal.
- fields_locationlist[SignalHandle]
Locations of the log fields.
- __init__(logger_name: str, level: int, format_str: str, location: tuple[str, int], trigger_location: list[str], fields_location: list[list[str]]) None
- classmethod from_dict(kvs: Optional[Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool]], *, infer_missing=False) A
- classmethod from_json(s: Union[str, bytes, bytearray], *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
- classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
- class transactron.utils.gen.GenerationInfo
Various information about the generated circuit.
- Attributes
- metrics_locationdict[str, MetricInfo]
Mapping from a metric name to an object storing Verilog locations of its registers.
- logslist[GeneratedLog]
Locations and metadata for all log records.
- __init__(metrics_location: dict[str, transactron.utils.gen.MetricLocation], transaction_signals_location: dict[int, transactron.utils.gen.TransactionSignalsLocation], method_signals_location: dict[int, transactron.utils.gen.MethodSignalsLocation], profile_data: ProfileData, logs: list[transactron.utils.gen.GeneratedLog]) None
- static decode(file_name: str) GenerationInfo
Loads the generation information from a JSON file.
- classmethod from_dict(kvs: Optional[Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool]], *, infer_missing=False) A
- classmethod from_json(s: Union[str, bytes, bytearray], *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
- metrics_location: dict[str, transactron.utils.gen.MetricLocation]
- profile_data: ProfileData
- classmethod schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) SchemaF[A]
- class transactron.utils.gen.MetricLocation
Information about the location of a metric in the generated Verilog code.
- Attributes
- regsdict[str, SignalHandle]
The location of each register of that metric.
- classmethod from_dict(kvs: Optional[Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool]], *, infer_missing=False) A
- classmethod from_json(s: Union[str, bytes, bytearray], *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) A
- transactron.utils.gen.generate_verilog(elaboratable: Elaboratable, ports: Optional[list[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value]] = None, top_name: str = 'top') tuple[str, transactron.utils.gen.GenerationInfo]
transactron.utils.idgen module
transactron.utils.transactron_helpers module
- transactron.utils.transactron_helpers.async_mock_def_helper(tb, func: Callable[[...], T], arg: data.Const[StructLayout]) T
- transactron.utils.transactron_helpers.def_helper(description, func: Callable[[...], T], tp: type[U], arg: U, /, **kwargs) T
- transactron.utils.transactron_helpers.extend_layout(layout: StructLayout, *fields: tuple[str, amaranth.hdl._ast.Shape | int | range | type[enum.Enum] | amaranth.hdl._ast.ShapeCastable | list[tuple[str, ForwardRef('ShapeLike | LayoutList')]]]) StructLayout
- transactron.utils.transactron_helpers.from_method_layout(layout: |[tuple[str, amaranth.hdl._ast.Shape | int | range | type[enum.Enum] | amaranth.hdl._ast.ShapeCastable | list[ForwardRef('LayoutListField')]]]) StructLayout
- transactron.utils.transactron_helpers.get_caller_class_name(default: Optional[str] = None) tuple[Optional[amaranth.hdl._ir.Elaboratable], str]
- transactron.utils.transactron_helpers.make_layout(*fields: tuple[str, amaranth.hdl._ast.Shape | int | range | type[enum.Enum] | amaranth.hdl._ast.ShapeCastable | list[tuple[str, ForwardRef('ShapeLike | LayoutList')]]]) StructLayout
- transactron.utils.transactron_helpers.method_def_helper(method, func: Callable[[...], T], arg: View[StructLayout]) T
- transactron.utils.transactron_helpers.mock_def_helper(tb, func: Callable[[...], T], arg: Mapping[str, Any]) T
- transactron.utils.transactron_helpers.silence_mustuse(elaboratable: Elaboratable)