transactron.utils.amaranth_ext package
transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.coding module
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.coding.Decoder
Decode binary to one-hot.
is low, only thei
-th bit ino
is asserted. Ifn
is high,o
.- Parameters
- widthint
Bit width of the output.
- Attributes
- iSignal(range(width)), in
Input binary.
- oSignal(width), out
Decoded one-hot.
- nSignal, in
Invalid, no output bits are to be asserted.
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.coding.Encoder
Encode one-hot to binary.
If one bit in
is asserted,n
is low ando
indicates the asserted bit. Otherwise,n
is high ando
.- Parameters
- widthint
Bit width of the input
- Attributes
- iSignal(width), in
One-hot input.
- oSignal(range(width)), out
Encoded natural binary.
- nSignal, out
Invalid: either none or multiple input bits are asserted.
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.coding.GrayDecoder
Decode Gray code to binary.
- Parameters
- widthint
Bit width.
- Attributes
- iSignal(width), in
Gray code input.
- oSignal(width), out
Decoded natural binary.
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.coding.GrayEncoder
Encode binary to Gray code.
- Parameters
- widthint
Bit width.
- Attributes
- iSignal(width), in
Natural binary input.
- oSignal(width), out
Encoded Gray code.
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.coding.PriorityDecoder
Decode binary to priority request.
Identical to
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.coding.PriorityEncoder
Priority encode requests to binary.
If any bit in
is asserted,n
is low ando
indicates the least significant asserted bit. Otherwise,n
is high ando
.- Parameters
- widthint
Bit width of the input.
- Attributes
- iSignal(width), in
Input requests.
- oSignal(range(width)), out
Encoded natural binary.
- nSignal, out
Invalid: no input bits are asserted.
transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.component_interface module
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.component_interface.AbstractComponentInterface
]- flipped() AbstractComponentInterface
- property signature: AbstractSignature
- final class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.component_interface.CIn
_ComponentSignal with Flow.In direction.
- final class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.component_interface.COut
_ComponentSignal with Flow.Out direction.
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.component_interface.ComponentInterface
Component Interface Syntactic sugar for using typed lib.wiring Signature`s in `Component.
It allows to avoid defining desired Amaranth Signature and separetly AbstractInterface of Signals to get Component attribute-level typing of interface.
Interface should be constructed in __init__ of class that inherits ComponentInterface, by defining instance attributes. Only allowed attributes in ComponentInterface are of ComponentSignal (see CIn and COut) and ComponentInterface (nested interface) types.
Resulting class can be used directly as typing hint for class-level interface attribute, that will be later constructed by Component. Use signature property to get amaranth Signature in Component constructor.
class ExampleInterface(ComponentInterface): def __init__(self, data_width: int): self.data_in = CIn(data_width) self.data_out = COut(data_width) self.valid = CIn() self.x = SubInterface().flipped() class Examp,le(Component): bus: ExampleInterface def __init__(self): super().__init__({bus: In(ExampleInterface(2).signature)})
- flipped() FlippedComponentInterface[Self]
ComponentInterface with flipped Flow direction of members.
- property signature: AbstractSignature
Amaranth lib.wiring Signature constructed from defined ComponentInterface attributes.
- final class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.component_interface.FlippedComponentInterface
]Represents ComponentInterface with flipped Flow directions of its members. Flip is applied only in resulting signature property.
- __init__(base: _T_ComponentInterface)
- flipped() _T_ComponentInterface
ComponentInterface with flipped Flow direction of members.
- property signature: AbstractSignature
Amaranth lib.wiring Signature constructed from defined ComponentInterface attributes.
transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.elaboratables module
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.elaboratables.ModuleConnector
An Elaboratable to create a new module, which will have all arguments added as its submodules.
- __init__(*args: HasElaborate, **kwargs: HasElaborate)
- Parameters
- *args
Modules which should be added as anonymous submodules.
- **kwargs
Modules which will be added as named submodules.
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.elaboratables.MultiPriorityEncoder
Priority encoder with more outputs
This is an extension of the PriorityEncoder from amaranth that supports more than one output from an input signal. In other words it decodes multi-hot encoded signal into lists of signals in binary format, each with the index of a different high bit in the input.
- Attributes
- input_widthint
Width of the input signal
- outputs_countint
Number of outputs to generate at once.
- inputSignal, in
Signal with 1 on i-th bit if i can be selected by encoder
- outputslist[Signal], out
Signals with selected indicies, sorted in ascending order, if the number of ready signals is less than outputs_count then valid signals are at the beginning of the list.
- validslist[Signal], out
One bit for each output signal, indicating whether the output is valid or not.
- static create(m: Module, input_width: int, input: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, outputs_count: int = 1, name: Optional[str] = None) list[tuple[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value, amaranth.hdl._ast.Value]]
Syntax sugar for creating MultiPriorityEncoder
This static method allows to use MultiPriorityEncoder in a more functional way. Instead of creating the instance manually, connecting all the signals and adding a submodule, you can call this function to do it automatically.
This function is equivalent to:
m.submodules += prio_encoder = PriorityEncoder(cnt) m.d.top_comb += prio_encoder.input.eq(one_hot_singal) idx = prio_encoder.outputs valid = prio.encoder.valids
- Parameters
- m: Module
Module to add the MultiPriorityEncoder to.
- input_widthint
Width of the one hot signal.
- inputValueLike
The one hot signal to decode.
- outputs_countint
Number of different decoder outputs to generate at once. Default: 1.
- nameOptional[str]
Name to use when adding MultiPriorityEncoder to submodules. If None, it will be added as an anonymous submodule. The given name can not be used in a submodule that has already been added. Default: None.
- Returns
- returnlist[tuple[Signal, Signal]]
Returns a list with len equal to outputs_count. Each tuple contains a pair of decoded index on the first position and a valid signal on the second position.
- static create_simple(m: Module, input_width: int, input: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, name: Optional[str] = None) tuple[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value, amaranth.hdl._ast.Value]
Syntax sugar for creating MultiPriorityEncoder
This is the same as create function, but with outputs_count hardcoded to 1.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.elaboratables.OneHotSwitch(m: ModuleLike, test: Value)
One-hot switch.
This function allows one-hot matching in the style similar to the standard Amaranth Switch. This allows to get the performance benefit of using the one-hot representation.
with OneHotSwitch(m, sig) as OneHotCase: with OneHotCase(0b01): ... with OneHotCase(0b10): ... # optional default case with OneHotCase(): ...
- Parameters
- mModule
The module for which the matching is defined.
- testSignal
The signal being tested.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.elaboratables.OneHotSwitchDynamic(m: ModuleLike, test: Value, *, default: Literal[True]) Iterable[Optional[int]]
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.elaboratables.OneHotSwitchDynamic(m: ModuleLike, test: Value, *, default: Literal[False] = False) Iterable[int]
Dynamic one-hot switch.
This function allows simple one-hot matching on signals which can have variable bit widths.
for i in OneHotSwitchDynamic(m, sig): # code dependent on the bit index i ...
- Parameters
- mModule
The module for which the matching is defined.
- testSignal
The signal being tested.
- defaultbool, optional
Whether the matching includes a default case (signified by a None).
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.elaboratables.RingMultiPriorityEncoder
Priority encoder with one or more outputs and flexible start
This is an extension of the MultiPriorityEncoder that supports flexible start and end indexes. In the standard MultiPriorityEncoder the first bit is always at position 0 and the last is the last bit of the input signal. In this extended implementation, both can be selected at runtime.
This implementation is intended for selection from the circular buffers, so if last < first the encoder will first select bits from [first, input_width) and then from [0, last).
- Attributes
- input_widthint
Width of the input signal
- outputs_countint
Number of outputs to generate at once.
- inputSignal, in
Signal with 1 on i-th bit if i can be selected by encoder
- firstSignal, in
Index of the first bit in the input. Inclusive.
- lastSignal, out
Index of the last bit in the input. Exclusive.
- outputslist[Signal], out
Signals with selected indicies, sorted in ascending order, if the number of ready signals is less than outputs_count then valid signals are at the beginning of the list.
- validslist[Signal], out
One bit for each output signal, indicating whether the output is valid or not.
- static create(m: Module, input_width: int, input: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, first: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, last: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, outputs_count: int = 1, name: Optional[str] = None) list[tuple[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value, amaranth.hdl._ast.Value]]
Syntax sugar for creating RingMultiPriorityEncoder
This static method allows to use RingMultiPriorityEncoder in a more functional way. Instead of creating the instance manually, connecting all the signals and adding a submodule, you can call this function to do it automatically.
This function is equivalent to:
m.submodules += prio_encoder = RingMultiPriorityEncoder(input_width, outputs_count) m.d.comb += prio_encoder.input.eq(one_hot_singal) m.d.comb += prio_encoder.first.eq(first) m.d.comb += prio_encoder.last.eq(last) idx = prio_encoder.outputs valid = prio.encoder.valids
- Parameters
- m: Module
Module to add the RingMultiPriorityEncoder to.
- input_widthint
Width of the one hot signal.
- inputValueLike
The one hot signal to decode.
- firstValueLike
Index of the first bit in the input. Inclusive.
- lastValueLike
Index of the last bit in the input. Exclusive.
- outputs_countint
Number of different decoder outputs to generate at once. Default: 1.
- nameOptional[str]
Name to use when adding RingMultiPriorityEncoder to submodules. If None, it will be added as an anonymous submodule. The given name can not be used in a submodule that has already been added. Default: None.
- Returns
- returnlist[tuple[Signal, Signal]]
Returns a list with len equal to outputs_count. Each tuple contains a pair of decoded index on the first position and a valid signal on the second position.
- static create_simple(m: Module, input_width: int, input: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, first: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, last: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, name: Optional[str] = None) tuple[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value, amaranth.hdl._ast.Value]
Syntax sugar for creating RingMultiPriorityEncoder
This is the same as create function, but with outputs_count hardcoded to 1.
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.elaboratables.RoundRobin
Round-robin scheduler. For a given set of requests, the round-robin scheduler will grant one request. Once it grants a request, if any other requests are active, it grants the next active request with a greater number, restarting from zero once it reaches the highest one. Use
to control when the scheduler is updated.Implementation ported from amaranth lib.
- Parameters
- countint
Number of requests.
- Attributes
- ———-
- requestsSignal(count), in
Set of requests.
- grantSignal(range(count)), out
Number of the granted request. Does not change if there are no active requests.
- validSignal(), out
Asserted if grant corresponds to an active request. Deasserted otherwise, i.e. if no requests are active.
- __init__(*, count)
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.elaboratables.Scheduler
An implementation of a round-robin scheduler, which is used in the transaction subsystem. It is based on Amaranth’s round-robin scheduler but instead of using binary numbers, it uses one-hot encoding for the grant output signal.
- Attributes
- requests: Signal(count), in
Signals that something (e.g. a transaction) wants to run. When i-th bit is high, then the i-th agent requests the grant signal.
- grant: Signal(count), out
Signals that something (e.g. transaction) is granted to run. It uses one-hot encoding.
- validSignal(1), out
Signal that grant signals are valid.
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.elaboratables.StableSelectingNetwork
A network that groups inputs with a valid bit set.
The circuit takes n inputs with a valid signal each and on the output returns a grouped and consecutive sequence of the provided input signals. The order of valid inputs is preserved.
For example for input (0 is an invalid input): 0, a, 0, d, 0, 0, e
The circuit will return: a, d, e, 0, 0, 0, 0
The circuit uses a divide and conquer algorithm. The recursive call takes two bit vectors and each of them is already properly sorted, for example: v1 = [a, b, 0, 0]; v2 = [c, d, e, 0]
Now by shifting left v2 and merging it with v1, we get the result: v = [a, b, c, d, e, 0, 0, 0]
Thus, the network has depth log_2(n).
- __init__(n: int, shape: amaranth.hdl._ast.Shape | int | range | type[enum.Enum] | amaranth.hdl._ast.ShapeCastable)
transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.functions module
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.functions.const_of(value: int, shape: amaranth.hdl._ast.Shape | int | range | type[enum.Enum] | amaranth.hdl._ast.ShapeCastable) Any
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.functions.cyclic_mask(bits: int, start: Value, end: Value)
Generate bits bit-wide mask with ones from start to end position, including both ends. If end value is < than start the mask wraps around.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.functions.flatten_signals(signals: amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal | amaranth.hdl._rec.Record | |[amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal | amaranth.hdl._rec.Record | |[SignalBundle] |[str, SignalBundle]] |[str, amaranth.hdl._ast.Signal | amaranth.hdl._rec.Record | |[SignalBundle] |[str, SignalBundle]]) Iterable[Signal]
Flattens input data, which can be either a signal, a record, a list (or a dict) of SignalBundle items.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.functions.mod_incr(sig: Value, mod: int) Value
Perform (sig+1) % mod operation.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.functions.shape_of(value: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) amaranth.hdl._ast.Shape | amaranth.hdl._ast.ShapeCastable
transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.memory module
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.memory.MultiReadMemory
Memory with one write and multiple read ports.
One can request multiple read ports and not more than 1 write port. Module internally uses multiple (number of read ports) instances of amaranth.lib.memory.Memory with one read and one write port.
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.memory.MultiportILVTMemory
Multiport memory based on Invalidation Live Value Table.
Multiple read and write ports can be requested. Memory is built of number of write ports memory blocks with multiple read and multi-ported Invalidation Live Value Table. ILVT is a XOR based memory that returns the number of the memory bank in which the current value is stored. Width of data stored in ILVT is the binary logarithm of the number of write ports. Writing two different values to the same memory address in one cycle has undefined behavior.
- class transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.memory.MultiportXORMemory
Multiport memory based on xor.
Multiple read and write ports can be requested. Memory is built of (number of write ports) * (number of write ports - 1 + number of read ports) single port memory blocks. XOR is used to enable writing multiple values in one cycle and reading correct values. Writing two different values to the same memory address in one cycle has undefined behavior. Write port granularity is not yet supported.
transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter module
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.generic_shift_left(value1: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, value2: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Value
Generic left shift function.
Shift value1 left by offset bits, fill the empty space with bits from value2. The bit vectors value1 and value2 need to be of the same width. This function is used to implement shift_left and rotate_left.
- Parameters
- value1ValueLike
The bit vector to be shifted.
- value2ValueLike
The bit vector used to fill space after shifting.
- offsetValueLike
The number of bits to shift.
- Returns
- Value
The shifted value, the same width as value1.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.generic_shift_right(value1: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, value2: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Value
Generic right shift function.
Shift value1 right by offset bits, fill the empty space with bits from value2. The bit vectors value1 and value2 need to be of the same width. This function is used to implement shift_right and rotate_right.
- Parameters
- value1ValueLike
The bit vector to be shifted.
- value2ValueLike
The bit vector used to fill space after shifting.
- offsetValueLike
The number of bits to shift.
- Returns
- Value
The shifted value, the same width as value1.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.generic_shift_vec_left(data1: Sequence[_T_ValueCastable], data2: Sequence[_T_ValueCastable], offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Sequence[_T_ValueCastable]
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.generic_shift_vec_left(data1: Sequence[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum], data2: Sequence[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum], offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Sequence[Value]
Generic left shift function for bit vectors and complex data.
Given data1 and data2 which are sequences of ValueLike or ValueCastable, shift data1 left by offset bits, fill the empty space with entries from data2. The sequences data1 and value2 need to be of the same length, and their entries must be of the same width. This function is used to implement shift_vec_left and rotate_vec_left.
- Parameters
- data1Sequence[ValueLike]
The sequence of data to be shifted.
- data2Sequence[ValueLike]
The sequence of data used to fill space after shifting.
- offsetValueLike
The number of entries to shift.
- Returns
- Sequence[Value | ValueCastable]
The shifted sequence, the same length as data1.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.generic_shift_vec_right(data1: Sequence[_T_ValueCastable], data2: Sequence[_T_ValueCastable], offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Sequence[_T_ValueCastable]
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.generic_shift_vec_right(data1: Sequence[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum], data2: Sequence[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum], offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Sequence[Value]
Generic right shift function for bit vectors and complex data.
Given data1 and data2 which are sequences of ValueLike or ValueCastable, shift data1 right by offset bits, fill the empty space with entries from data2. The sequences data1 and value2 need to be of the same length, and their entries must be of the same width. This function is used to implement shift_vec_right and rotate_vec_right.
- Parameters
- data1Sequence[ValueLike]
The sequence of data to be shifted.
- data2Sequence[ValueLike]
The sequence of data used to fill space after shifting.
- offsetValueLike
The number of entries to shift.
- Returns
- Sequence[Value | ValueCastable]
The shifted sequence, the same length as data1.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.rotate_left(value: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Value
Left rotate function.
Rotate value left by offset bits.
Differs from value.rotate_left(offset) in that the shift amount is variable.
- Parameters
- valueValueLike
The bit vector to be rotated.
- offsetValueLike
The number of bits to rotate.
- Returns
- Value
The rotated value, the same width as value.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.rotate_right(value: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Value
Right rotate function.
Rotate value right by offset bits.
Differs from value.rotate_right(offset) in that the shift amount is variable.
- Parameters
- valueValueLike
The bit vector to be rotated.
- offsetValueLike
The number of bits to rotate.
- Returns
- Value
The rotated value, the same width as value.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.rotate_vec_left(data: Sequence[_T_ValueCastable], offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Sequence[_T_ValueCastable]
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.rotate_vec_left(data: Sequence[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum], offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Sequence[Value]
Left rotate function for bit vectors and complex data.
Given data which is a sequence of ValueLike or ValueCastable, rotate data left by offset bits. The entries of data must be of the same width.
- Parameters
- dataSequence[ValueLike]
The sequence of data to be rotated.
- offsetValueLike
The number of entries to rotate.
- Returns
- Sequence[Value | ValueCastable]
The rotated sequence, the same length as data.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.rotate_vec_right(data: Sequence[_T_ValueCastable], offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Sequence[_T_ValueCastable]
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.rotate_vec_right(data: Sequence[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum], offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Sequence[Value]
Right rotate function for bit vectors and complex data.
Given data which is a sequence of ValueLike or ValueCastable, rotate data right by offset bits. The entries of data must be of the same width.
- Parameters
- dataSequence[ValueLike]
The sequence of data to be rotated.
- offsetValueLike
The number of entries to rotate.
- Returns
- Sequence[Value | ValueCastable]
The rotated sequence, the same length as data.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.shift_left(value: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, placeholder: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable = 0) Value
Left shift function.
Shift value left by offset bits, fill the empty space with the placeholder bit (0 by default).
Differs from value.shift_left(offset) in that the shift amount is variable. Differs from value << offset in that the placeholder bit can be customized. Differs from both in that the result is of the same width as value.
- Parameters
- valueValueLike
The bit vector to be shifted.
- offsetValueLike
The number of bits to shift.
- placeholderValueLike, optional
The bit used to fill space after shifting.
- Returns
- Value
The shifted value, the same width as value.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.shift_right(value: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, placeholder: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable = 0) Value
Right shift function.
Shift value right by offset bits, fill the empty space with the placeholder bit (0 by default).
Differs from value.shift_right(offset) in that the shift amount is variable. Differs from value >> offset in that the placeholder bit can be customized.
- Parameters
- valueValueLike
The bit vector to be shifted.
- offsetValueLike
The number of bits to shift.
- placeholderValueLike, optional
The bit used to fill space after shifting.
- Returns
- Value
The shifted value, the same width as value.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.shift_vec_left(data: Sequence[_T_ValueCastable], offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, placeholder: Optional[_T_ValueCastable]) Sequence[_T_ValueCastable]
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.shift_vec_left(data: Sequence[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum], offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, placeholder: Optional[Union[Value, int, Enum]]) Sequence[Value]
Left shift function for bit vectors and complex data.
Given data which is a sequence of ValueLike or ValueCastable, shift data left by offset bits, fill the empty space with placeholder. The entries of data must be of the same width.
- Parameters
- dataSequence[ValueLike]
The sequence of data to be shifted.
- offsetValueLike
The number of entries to shift.
- placeholderValueLike, optional
The data used to fill space after shifting.
- Returns
- Sequence[Value | ValueCastable]
The shifted sequence, the same length as data.
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.shift_vec_right(data: Sequence[_T_ValueCastable], offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, placeholder: Optional[_T_ValueCastable]) Sequence[_T_ValueCastable]
- transactron.utils.amaranth_ext.shifter.shift_vec_right(data: Sequence[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum], offset: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, placeholder: Optional[Union[Value, int, Enum, ValueCastable]]) Sequence[Value]
Right shift function for bit vectors and complex data.
Given data which is a sequence of ValueLike or ValueCastable, shift data right by offset bits, fill the empty space with placeholder. The entries of data must be of the same width.
- Parameters
- dataSequence[ValueLike]
The sequence of data to be shifted.
- offsetValueLike
The number of entries to shift.
- placeholderValueLike, optional
The data used to fill space after shifting.
- Returns
- Sequence[Value | ValueCastable]
The shifted sequence, the same length as data.