coreblocks.peripherals package
coreblocks.peripherals.axi_lite module
- class coreblocks.peripherals.axi_lite.AXILiteInterface
- read_address: AXILiteReadAddressInterface
- read_data: AXILiteReadDataInterface
- write_address: AXILiteWriteAddressInterface
- write_data: AXILiteWriteDataInterface
- write_response: AXILiteWriteResponseInterface
- class coreblocks.peripherals.axi_lite.AXILiteMaster
AXI-Lite master interface.
- Parameters
- axil_params: AXILiteParameters
Parameters for bus generation.
- Attributes
- ra_request: Method
Transactional method for initiating request on read address channel. Ready when no request or only one is being executed. Takes ‘ra_request_layout’ as argument.
- rd_response: Method
Transactional method for reading response from read data channel. Ready when there is request response availabe. Returns data and response state as ‘rd_response_layout’.
- wa_request: Method
Transactional method for initiating request on write address channel. Ready when no request or only one is being executed. Takes ‘wa_request_layout’ as argument.
- wd_request: Method
Transactional method for initiating request on write data channel. Ready when no request or only one is being executed. Takes ‘wd_request_layout’ as argument.
- wr_response: Method
Transactional method for reading response from write response channel. Ready when there is request response availabe. Returns response state as ‘wr_response_layout’.
- __init__(axil_params: AXILiteParameters)
- axil_master: AXILiteInterface
- result_handler(m: TModule, forwarder: Forwarder, *, channel: coreblocks.peripherals.axi_lite.AXILiteWriteResponseInterface | coreblocks.peripherals.axi_lite.AXILiteReadDataInterface)
- start_request_transaction(m, arg, *, channel, is_address_channel)
- state_machine_request(m: TModule, method: Method, *, channel: coreblocks.peripherals.axi_lite.AXILiteWriteAddressInterface | coreblocks.peripherals.axi_lite.AXILiteWriteDataInterface | coreblocks.peripherals.axi_lite.AXILiteReadAddressInterface, request_signal: Signal)
- class coreblocks.peripherals.axi_lite.AXILiteParameters
Parameters of the AXI-Lite bus.
- Parameters
- data_width: int
Width of “data” signals for “write data” and “read data” channels. Must be either 32 or 64 bits. Defaults to 64
- addr_width: int
Width of “addr” signals for “write address” and “read address” channels. Defaults to 64 bits.
- class coreblocks.peripherals.axi_lite.AXILiteSignature
AXI-Lite bus signature
- Parameters
- axil_params: AXILiteParameters
Patameters used to generate AXI-Lite signature
- __init__(axil_params: AXILiteParameters)
coreblocks.peripherals.bus_adapter module
- class coreblocks.peripherals.bus_adapter.AXILiteMasterAdapter
An adapter for AXI Lite master.
The adapter module is for use in places where BusMasterInterface is expected.
- Parameters
- bus: AXILiteMaster
Specific AXI Lite master module which is to be adapted.
- Attributes
- params: BusParametersInterface
Parameters of the bus.
- method_layouts: CommonBusMasterMethodLayout
Layouts of common bus master methods.
- request_read: Method
Transactional method for initiating a read request. It is ready if the ra_request method of the underlying AXI Lite master is ready. Input layout is request_read_layout.
- request_write: Method
Transactional method for initiating a write request. It is ready if the ‘wa_request’ and ‘wd_request’ methods of the underlying AXI Lite master are ready. Input layout is request_write_layout.
- get_read_response: Method
Transactional method for reading a response of a read action. It is ready if the rd_response method of the underlying AXI Lite master is ready. Output layout is read_response_layout.
- get_write_response: Method
Transactional method for reading a response of a write action. It is ready if the wr_response method of the underlying AXI Lite master is ready. Output layout is write_response_layout.
- __init__(bus: AXILiteMaster)
- class coreblocks.peripherals.bus_adapter.BusMasterInterface
An interface of a common bus.
The bus interface is the preferred way to gain access to a specific bus. It simplifies interchangeability of buses on the core configuration level.
- Parameters
- paramsBusParametersInterface
Parameters of the bus.
- request_readMethod
A method that is used to send a read request to a bus.
- request_writeMethod
A method that is used to send a write request to a bus.
- get_read_responseMethod
A method that is used to receive a response from a bus for a previously sent read request.
- get_write_responseMethod
A method that is used to receive a response from a bus for a previously sent write request.
- get_read_response: Method
- get_write_response: Method
- params: BusParametersInterface
- request_read: Method
- request_write: Method
- class coreblocks.peripherals.bus_adapter.WishboneMasterAdapter
An adapter for Wishbone master.
The adapter module is for use in places where BusMasterInterface is expected.
- Parameters
- bus: WishboneMaster
Specific Wishbone master module which is to be adapted.
- Attributes
- params: BusParametersInterface
Parameters of the bus.
- method_layouts: CommonBusMasterMethodLayout
Layouts of common bus master methods.
- request_read: Method
Transactional method for initiating a read request. It is ready if the request method of the underlying Wishbone master is ready. Input layout is request_read_layout.
- request_write: Method
Transactional method for initiating a write request. It is ready if the request method of the underlying Wishbone master is ready. Input layout is request_write_layout.
- get_read_response: Method
Transactional method for reading a response of a read action. It is ready if the result method of the underlying Wishbone master is ready. Output layout is read_response_layout.
- get_write_response: Method
Transactional method for reading a response of a write action. It is ready if the result method of the underlying Wishbone master is ready. Output layout is write_response_layout.
- __init__(bus: WishboneMaster)
coreblocks.peripherals.wishbone module
- class coreblocks.peripherals.wishbone.PipelinedWishboneMaster
Pipelined Wishbone bus master interface.
- Parameters
- wb_params: WishboneParameters
Parameters for bus generation.
- max_req: int
Size of the response buffer, limits the number of pending requests. Defaults to 8.
- Attributes
- wb: WishboneInterface
Wishbone bus output.
- request: Method
Transactional method to start a new Wishbone request. Ready if new request can be immediately sent. Takes request_layout as argument.
- result: Method
Transactional method to read results from completed requests sequentially. Ready if buffered results are available. Returns state of request (error or success) and data (in case of read request) as result_layout.
- requests_finished: Signal, out
True, if there are no requests waiting for response
- __init__(wb_params: WishboneParameters, *, max_req: int = 8)
- generate_method_layouts(wb_params: WishboneParameters)
- class coreblocks.peripherals.wishbone.WishboneArbiter
Wishbone Arbiter.
Connects multiple masters to one slave. Bus is requested by asserting CYC signal and is granted to masters in a round robin manner.
- Parameters
- wb_params: WishboneParameters
Parameters for bus generation.
- num_slaves: int
Number of master devices.
- Attributes
- slave_wb: WishboneInterface
Slave inteface.
- masters: list of WishboneInterface
List of master interfaces.
- __init__(wb_params: WishboneParameters, num_masters: int)
- slave_wb: WishboneInterface
- class coreblocks.peripherals.wishbone.WishboneInterface
- ack: Signal
- adr: Signal
- cyc: Signal
- dat_r: Signal
- dat_w: Signal
- err: Signal
- lock: Signal
- rst: Signal
- rty: Signal
- sel: Signal
- stall: Signal
- stb: Signal
- we: Signal
- class coreblocks.peripherals.wishbone.WishboneMaster
Wishbone bus master interface.
- Parameters
- wb_params: WishboneParameters
Parameters for bus generation.
- name: str, optional
Name of this bus. Used for logging.
- Attributes
- wb_master: WishboneInterface
Wishbone bus output.
- request: Method
Transactional method to start a new Wishbone request. Ready when no request is being executed and previous result is read. Takes request_layout as argument.
- result: Method
Transactional method to read previous request result. Becomes ready after Wishbone request is completed. Returns state of request (error or success) and data (in case of read request) as result_layout.
- __init__(wb_params: WishboneParameters, name: str = '')
- wb_master: WishboneInterface
- class coreblocks.peripherals.wishbone.WishboneMasterMethodLayout
Wishbone master layouts for methods
- Parameters
- wb_params: WishboneParameters
Patameters used to generate Wishbone master layouts
- Attributes
- request_layout: Layout
Layout for request method of WishboneMaster.
- result_layout: Layout
Layout for result method of WishboneMaster.
- __init__(wb_params: WishboneParameters)
- class coreblocks.peripherals.wishbone.WishboneMemorySlave
Wishbone slave with memory Wishbone slave interface with addressable memory underneath.
- Parameters
- wb_params: WishboneParameters
Parameters for bus generation.
- **kwargs: dict
Keyword arguments for the underlying Amaranth’s Memory. If width and depth are not specified, then they’re inferred from wb_params: data_width becomes width and 2 ** addr_width becomes depth.
- Attributes
- bus: WishboneInterface
Wishbone bus interface.
- __init__(wb_params: WishboneParameters, **kwargs)
- bus: WishboneInterface
- class coreblocks.peripherals.wishbone.WishboneMuxer
Wishbone Muxer.
Connects one master to multiple slaves.
- Parameters
- wb_params: WishboneParameters
Parameters for bus generation.
- num_slaves: int
Number of slave devices to multiplex.
- ssel_tga: Signal
Signal that selects the slave to connect. Signal width is the number of slaves and each bit coresponds to a slave. This signal is a Wishbone TGA (address tag), so it needs to be valid every time Wishbone STB is asserted. Note that if Pipelined Wishbone implementation is used, then before staring any new request with different ssel_tga value, all pending request have to be finished (and stall cleared) and there have to be one cycle delay from previouse request (to deassert the STB signal). Holding new requests should be implemented in block that controlls ssel_tga signal, before the Wishbone Master.
- Attributes
- master_wb: WishboneInterface
Master inteface.
- slaves: list of WishboneInterface
List of connected slaves’ Wishbone interfaces.
- __init__(wb_params: WishboneParameters, num_slaves: int, ssel_tga: Signal)
- master_wb: WishboneInterface
- class coreblocks.peripherals.wishbone.WishboneParameters
Parameters of the Wishbone bus.
- Parameters
- data_width: int
Width of dat_r and dat_w Wishbone signals. Defaults to 64 bits
- addr_width: int
Width of adr Wishbone singal. Defaults to 64 bits
- granularity: int
The smallest unit of data transfer that a port is capable of transferring. Defaults to 8 bits