coreblocks.frontend.decoder package


coreblocks.frontend.decoder.decode_stage module

class coreblocks.frontend.decoder.decode_stage.DecodeStage

Bases: Elaboratable

Simple decode unit. This is a transactional interface which instantiates a submodule InstrDecoder. This InstrDecoder makes actual decoding in a combinatorial manner.

__init__(gen_params: GenParams, get_raw: Method, push_decoded: Method) None

Instance of GenParams with parameters which should be used to generate fetch unit.


Method which is invoked to get raw instruction from previous step (e.g. from fetch unit) it uses FetchLayout.


Method which is invoked to send decoded data to the next step. It has layout as described by DecodeLayouts.

coreblocks.frontend.decoder.instr_decoder module

class coreblocks.frontend.decoder.instr_decoder.InstrDecoder

Bases: Elaboratable

Class performing instruction decoding into elementary components like opcodes, funct3 etc. It uses combinatorial connection via its attributes.

instr: Signal(gen.isa.ilen), in

Instruction to be decoded.

opcode: Signal(Opcode), out

Opcode of decoded instruction.

funct3: Signal(Funct3), out

Three bits function identifier.

funct3_v: Signal(1), out

Signals if decoded instruction has funct3 identifier.

funct7: Signal(Funct7), out

Seven bits function identifier.

funct7_v: Signal(1), out

Signals if decoded instruction has funct7 identifier.

funct12: Signal(Funct12), out

Twelve bits function identifier.

funct12_v: Signal(1), out

Signals if decoded instruction has funct12 identifier.

rd: Signal(gen.isa.reg_cnt_log), out

Address of register to write instruction result.

rd_v: Signal(1), out

Signal if instruction writes to register.

rs1: Signal(gen.isa.reg_cnt_log), out

Address of register holding first input value.

rs1_v: Signal(1), out

Signal if instruction takes first input value form register.

rs2: Signal(gen.isa.reg_cnt_log), out

Address of register holding second input value.

rs2_v: Signal(1), out

Signal if instruction takes second input value form register.

imm: Signal(gen.isa.xlen), out

Immediate values provided in instruction. If no immediate values were provided then value is 0.

succ: Signal(FenceTarget), out

Successor for FENCE instructions.

pred: Signal(FenceTarget), out

Predecessor for FENCE instructions.

fm: Signal(FenceFm), out

Fence mode for FENCE instructions.

csr: Signal(gen.isa.csr_alen), out

Address of Control and Source Register for CSR instructions.

optype: Signal(OpType), out

Operation type of instruction, used to define functional unit to perform this kind of instructions.

illegal: Signal(1), out

Signal if decoding of instruction was successful. If instruction do not fit into any supported instruction type for selected core generation parameters t then value is 1.

__init__(gen_params: GenParams)

Decoder constructor.

gen_params: GenParams

Core generation parameters.

coreblocks.frontend.decoder.instr_description module

class coreblocks.frontend.decoder.instr_description.Encoding

Bases: object

Class representing encoding of single RISC-V instruction.

opcode: Opcode

Opcode of instruction.

funct3: Optional[Funct3]

Three bits function identifier. If not exists for instruction then None.

funct7: Optional[Funct7]

Seven bits function identifier. If not exists for instruction then None.

funct12: Optional[Funct12]

Twelve bits function identifier. If not exists for instruction then None.

instr_type_override: Optional[InstrType]

Specify InstrType used for decoding of register and immediate for single opcode. If set to None optype is determined from instrustion opcode, which is almost always correct.

rd_zero: bool

rd field is specifed as constant zero in instruction encoding. Other fields are decoded accordingly to InstrType. Default is False.

rs1_zero: bool

rs1 field is specifed as constant zero in instruction encoding. Other fields are decoded accordingly to InstrType. Default is False.

__init__(opcode: Opcode, funct3: Optional[Funct3] = None, funct7: Optional[Funct7] = None, funct12: Optional[Funct12] = None, instr_type_override: Optional[InstrType] = None, rd_zero: bool = False, rs1_zero: bool = False) None
funct12: Optional[Funct12] = None
funct3: Optional[Funct3] = None
funct7: Optional[Funct7] = None
instr_type_override: Optional[InstrType] = None
opcode: Opcode
rd_zero: bool = False
rs1_zero: bool = False

coreblocks.frontend.decoder.rvc module

class coreblocks.frontend.decoder.rvc.InstrDecompress

Bases: Elaboratable

__init__(gen_params: GenParams)
decompr_reg(rvc_reg: Value) Value
instr_mux(sel: Value, inputs: list[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable | tuple[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable]]) tuple[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable]
coreblocks.frontend.decoder.rvc.is_instr_compressed(instr: Value) Value

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