coreblocks.frontend package


coreblocks.frontend.frontend module

class coreblocks.frontend.frontend.CoreFrontend

Bases: Elaboratable

Frontend of the core.

consume_instr: Method

Consume a single decoded instruction.

resume_from_exception: Method

Resume the frontend from the given PC after an exception.

stall: Method

Stall and flush the frontend.

__init__(*, gen_params: GenParams, instr_bus: BusMasterInterface)

coreblocks.frontend.frontend_params module

class coreblocks.frontend.frontend_params.FrontendParams

Bases: object

__init__(gen_params: GenParams)
fb_addr(pc: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Value

Returns the fetch block address of a given PC.

fb_instr_idx(pc: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable) Value

Returns the index of an instruction in a fetch block for a given instruction PC.

pc_from_fb(fb_addr: amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, fb_instr_idx: int | amaranth.hdl._ast.Value) Value

For a given fetch block address and an instruction index, returns the instruction’s PC.

coreblocks.frontend.stall_controller module

class coreblocks.frontend.stall_controller.StallController

Bases: Elaboratable

The stall controller is responsible for managing all stall/unstall signals that may be triggered in the core and based on them deciding if and where the frontend should be resumed.


Signals that the frontend should be stalled because an unsafe (i.e. causing difficult to handle side effects) instruction was just fetched.


Signals that the frontend should be stalled because of an exception.


A non-exclusive method whose readiness denotes if the frontend is currently stalled.

resume_from_exception: Method

Signals that the backend handled the exception and the frontend can be resumed.

redirect_frontendMethod (bodyless)

A method that will be called when the frontend needs to be redirected. Should be always ready.

__init__(gen_params: GenParams)

Module contents