coreblocks.func_blocks.fu.lsu package
coreblocks.func_blocks.fu.lsu.dummyLsu module
- class coreblocks.func_blocks.fu.lsu.dummyLsu.LSUComponent
- get_decoder_manager()
- get_optypes() set[coreblocks.arch.optypes.OpType]
- class coreblocks.func_blocks.fu.lsu.dummyLsu.LSUDummy
Very simple LSU, which serializes all stores and loads. It isn’t fully compliant with RiscV spec. Doesn’t support checking if address is in correct range. Addresses have to be aligned.
- __init__(gen_params: GenParams, bus: BusMasterInterface) None
- Parameters
- gen_paramsGenParams
Parameters to be used during processor generation.
- busBusMasterInterface
An instance of the bus master for interfacing with the data bus.
coreblocks.func_blocks.fu.lsu.lsu_atomic_wrapper module
- class coreblocks.func_blocks.fu.lsu.lsu_atomic_wrapper.LSUAtomicWrapper
Wrapper for LSU that adds support for atomic operations.
- It provides simplified implementation of atomic operations under assumptions that:
LSU doesn’t reorder memory accesses, like in LSUDummy
There is only one hart
AMO operations issue two independent accesses (unless there is an exception) to LSU and execute operations in the internal ALU. SC are only matched to LR, reservation set size is infinite.
Behaviour of atomic insturctions on Memory Mapped I/O space is currently undefined.
- class coreblocks.func_blocks.fu.lsu.lsu_atomic_wrapper.LSUAtomicWrapperComponent
- __init__(lsu: LSUComponent, *, result_fifo: bool = False) None
- get_decoder_manager()
- get_optypes() set[coreblocks.arch.optypes.OpType]
- lsu: LSUComponent
coreblocks.func_blocks.fu.lsu.lsu_requester module
- class coreblocks.func_blocks.fu.lsu.lsu_requester.LSURequester
Bus request logic for the load/store unit. Its job is to interface between the LSU and the bus.
- Attributes
- issueMethod
Issues a new request to the bus.
- acceptMethod
Retrieves a result from the bus.
- __init__(gen_params: GenParams, bus: BusMasterInterface, depth: int = 4) None
- Parameters
- gen_paramsGenParams
Parameters to be used during processor generation.
- busBusMasterInterface
An instance of the bus master for interfacing with the data bus.
- depthint
Number of requests which can be send to memory, before it provides first response. Describe the resiliency of LSURequester to latency of memory in case when memory is fully pipelined.
coreblocks.func_blocks.fu.lsu.pma module
- class coreblocks.func_blocks.fu.lsu.pma.PMAChecker
Implementation of physical memory attributes checker. It may or may not be a part of LSU. This is a combinational circuit with return value read from result output.
- Attributes
- addrSignal
Memory address, for which PMAs are requested.
- resultView
PMAs for given address.
- class coreblocks.func_blocks.fu.lsu.pma.PMALayout
- __init__()
- class coreblocks.func_blocks.fu.lsu.pma.PMARegion
Data class for physical memory attributes contiguous region of memory. Region of memory includes both start and end address.
- Attributes
- startint
Defines beginning of region, start address is included in the region.
- endint
Defines end of region, end address is included in the region.
- mmiobool
Value True for this field indicates that memory region is MMIO.