coreblocks.priv.csr package


coreblocks.priv.csr.aliased module

class coreblocks.priv.csr.aliased.AliasedCSR

Bases: CSRRegister

Temporary simple support for CSR aliasing for InternalInterruptController. Will be replaced with more complete implementation soon.

__init__(csr_number: Optional[int], gen_params: GenParams, width: Optional[int] = None)
csr_number: Optional[int]

Address of this CSR Register. If None is given, CSR is virtual - not automatically connected to CSRUnit.

gen_params: GenParams

Core generation parameters.

width: Optional[int]

Width of CSR register. Defaults to xlen.

ro_bits: int

Bit mask of read-only bits in register. Writes from _fu_write (instructions) to those bits are ignored. Note that this parameter is only required if there are some read-only bits in read-write register. Writes to read-only registers specified by upper 2 bits of CSR address set to 0b11 are discarded by CSRUnit.

init: int | Enum

Reset value of CSR.

fu_write_priority: bool

Priority of CSR instruction write over write method, if both are called at the same cycle. If ro_bits are set, both operations will be performed, respecting priority on writeable bits. Deafults to True.

fu_write_filtermap: function (TModule, Value) -> (ValueLike, ValueLike)

Filter + map on CSR writes from instruction. First Value in returned tuple signals if write should be performed, second is modified input data.

fu_read_map: function (TModule, Value) -> (ValueLike)

Map on CSR reads from instructions. Maps value returned from CSR.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

add_field(bit_position: int, csr: CSRRegister)
add_read_only_field(bit_position: int, bit_width: int, value: int | enum.Enum)

coreblocks.priv.csr.csr_instances module

class coreblocks.priv.csr.csr_instances.DoubleCounterCSR

Bases: Elaboratable

DoubleCounterCSR Groups two CSRRegisters to form counter with double isa.xlen width.

increment: Method

Increments the counter by 1. At overflow, counter value is set to 0.

__init__(gen_params: GenParams, low_addr: CSRAddress, high_addr: Optional[CSRAddress] = None)
gen_params: GenParams

Core generation parameters.

low_addr: CSRAddress

Address of the CSR register representing lower part of the counter (bits [isa.xlen-1 : 0]).

high_addr: CSRAddress or None, optional

Address of the CSR register representing higher part of the counter (bits [2*isa.xlen-1 : isa.xlen]). If high_addr is None or not provided, then higher CSR is not synthetised and only the width of low_addr CSR is available to the counter.

class coreblocks.priv.csr.csr_instances.GenericCSRRegisters

Bases: Elaboratable

__init__(gen_params: GenParams)
class coreblocks.priv.csr.csr_instances.MachineModeCSRRegisters

Bases: Elaboratable

__init__(gen_params: GenParams)

coreblocks.priv.csr.csr_register module

class coreblocks.priv.csr.csr_register.CSRRegister

Bases: Elaboratable

CSR Register Used to define a CSR register and specify its behaviour. CSRRegisters are automatically assigned to CSRListKey dependency key, to be accessed from CSRUnits.


# Timer register that increments on each cycle and resets if read by CSR instruction
csr = CSRRegister(1, gen_params)
with Transaction.body(m):
    csr_val =
    with m.If(
    with m.Else():
        csr.write( + 1)
read: Method

Reads register value and side effect status. Side effect fields read and written are set if register was accessed by _fu_read or _fu_write methods (by CSR instruction) in a current cycle; they can be used to trigger other actions. Always ready.

read_comb: Method

Reads register value or value submitted by _fu_write`(instruction write) combinationally. Note that returned value ignores priority setting. It allows for `_fu_write -> read_comb -> write operation in single cycle. Note that if _fu_write is called, it returns call value ignoring ro_bits. Always ready.

write: Method

Updates register value. Always ready.

_fu_read: Method

Method connected automatically by CSRUnit. Reads register value.

_fu_write: Method

Method connected automatically by CSRUnit. Updates register value. Always ready.

__init__(csr_number: Optional[int], gen_params: GenParams, *, width: Optional[int] = None, ro_bits: int = 0, init: int | amaranth.lib.enum.Enum = 0, fu_write_priority: bool = True, fu_write_filtermap: Optional[Callable[[TModule, Value], tuple[amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable, amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable]]] = None, fu_read_map: Optional[Callable[[TModule, Value], amaranth.hdl._ast.Value | int | enum.Enum | amaranth.hdl._ast.ValueCastable]] = None, src_loc: int | tuple[str, int] = 0)
csr_number: Optional[int]

Address of this CSR Register. If None is given, CSR is virtual - not automatically connected to CSRUnit.

gen_params: GenParams

Core generation parameters.

width: Optional[int]

Width of CSR register. Defaults to xlen.

ro_bits: int

Bit mask of read-only bits in register. Writes from _fu_write (instructions) to those bits are ignored. Note that this parameter is only required if there are some read-only bits in read-write register. Writes to read-only registers specified by upper 2 bits of CSR address set to 0b11 are discarded by CSRUnit.

init: int | Enum

Reset value of CSR.

fu_write_priority: bool

Priority of CSR instruction write over write method, if both are called at the same cycle. If ro_bits are set, both operations will be performed, respecting priority on writeable bits. Deafults to True.

fu_write_filtermap: function (TModule, Value) -> (ValueLike, ValueLike)

Filter + map on CSR writes from instruction. First Value in returned tuple signals if write should be performed, second is modified input data.

fu_read_map: function (TModule, Value) -> (ValueLike)

Map on CSR reads from instructions. Maps value returned from CSR.

src_loc: int | SrcLoc

How many stack frames deep the source location is taken from. Alternatively, the source location to use instead of the default.

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